International Leadership Advancement Ministries

  Jeremy and Claudia McDonald

Are a married couple living in Puebla, Mexico.  Claudia has a B.A. in Communication and she is a specialist in Educational Technology; trainned in Vision Therapy for children with learning disabilities. She is a language teacher with 16 years of experience.  Jeremy is a veteran with a B.A. in Business Administration. He teaches mathematics at a private Christian school and currently pursuing his black belt in Judo. Each one has a child: Jens (6 years old) and Diego (15 years old).  They speak German, Spanish and English.

They serve God by helping the community through “Sonrisas Learning Therapy Minstry”

Sonrisas is dedicated to delivering high quality,  Christian based Learning Therapy and Biblical Education. The target market is children who are struggling with learning disabilities (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Visual Processing Disorder, ADD or ADHD, Autism, reading & writing issues.)

They believe that it is necessary to attend the needs of people, reach them with the Gospel and help them grow spiritually.

Their ministry serves children in the middle to lower socioeconomic strata and from homes with different religious beliefs.




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